Kwenda High School got 100 percent A level pass rate in the 2023 Zimsec examinations, with the lowest student in the Arts getting 13 points .
In an interview with a source who declined to be named said there were 24 students who did sit for the arts subjects and the lowest student got 13 points.
“We are happy with the results and this is an endorsement of the quality of education delivery systems at the institution and the amount of work all stakeholders are putting into the teaching of students here,” said the official who declined to be named.
Meanwhile the school had a 100% pass rate.
Other Chikomba boarding schools like Daramombe and St Francis of Assisi got 98.4 and 97.7% respectively.
This year Zimsec reported a higher average national pass rate than last year with many saying it could be due to the absence of the Covid 19 that disturbed learning between 2020 and 2022.
Countrywide a 95 percent pass rate was recorded in the 2023 A Level ZIMSEC Examination.